
Release notes version 2

  • The license key allows added security for KLoBot software.
  • In the log-in page, the license key shows up as a modal or pop-up window that asks users to provide a valid license key.
  • If the user provides an invalid license key, the user won’t have access to all core functionalities of KLoBot.
SharePoint Connector
  • Upgraded the User Interface that connects to various SharePoint Lists and filters out the Documents from the Lists using parameters.
  • SharePoint Connector can now retrieve data from various SharePoint Sites.
  • Improved performance speed for retrieving data in the SharePoint Connector.
SQL Connector
  • KLoBot can now connect to a Stored Procedure via a connection string.
  • The user can enter values from the default parameters retrieved from the stored procedures to filter and retrieve data from the SQL Database.
Knowledge Builder
  • Added pagination for multiple questions in the Manage Questions Page.
Bot Analytics
  • Displays an overall experience report from the Chat and the conversation.
  • Shows a counter based on the experience (Very Poor, Poor, Average, Good, Excellent).
Improved the Deployment Process
  • Enhanced the deployment process to a new tenant using a Deployment Script via Windows PowerShell. Users can also make changes in the project using an Upgrade Script via PowerShell to update changes.
Bot Settings
  • Added a new feature in the Bot Settings called Most Popular Queries that shows a list of the user’s most popular messages in the chat.
  • Added a new feature in the Bot Settings called My Queries that shows a list of the user’s most recent messages in the chat.
NetDocuments Skill
  • New Authentication Access Token
    1. Allows users to log-in and authenticate to NetDocuments only once. When the access token expires, KLoBot gets a new access token via the refresh token and lets users gain access to NetDocuments with a longer token expiry time.
NetDocuments Skill
  • Action Buttons in each document
    1. Action buttons integrated into each document in the chat. For each document, the user can view, rename, delete, check-in, and check-out the document via the chat with the push of a button.
Chat Bot
  • Multi-turn Conversation Feature in the Chat
    1. Shows a list of queries as choices that would rehash the user’s when Chat Bot does not understand the previous query.
Bot Analytics
  • Top 4 Skill Intent Prediction Links in the Failed Filter
    1. Failed Messages now include a list of top 4 skill intent predictions that redirects users to the skill builder page for retraining.
  • Top 4 Skill Intent Prediction Links in the Disliked Filter for Direct Line channel
    1. Disliked Messages now include a list of top 4 skill intent predictions that redirects users to the skill builder page for retraining.
Skill Builder
  • HTTPS Connectors in the Skill Builder
    1. Connects the user to a third-party REST API using Basic Auth and OAuth 2.0.
  • SharePoint Connector in the Skill Builder
    1. Connects the user to a SharePoint Site provided with a valid SharePoint site URL, username and password.
  • NetDocuments Connector in the Skill Builder
    1. Connects the user to a NetDocuments vault provided with a valid End-Point URL, client id and client secret.
Old Skill Builder Features
  • Adding skills are accomplished only through the bot page by clicking the + button
  • In the add-new-skill page, user can add the following values:
    1. Display Name
    2. Sample Question
    3. Category
    4. Upload Icon
    5. Scope
      • Global
      • Private
      • Bot Specific
    6. Upload JSON (User has to manually create a JSON file)
  • User does not have the ability to train LUIS via the KLoBot page but only through LUIS.AI
Bot Analytics Key Features
  • User can create knowledge bases with knowledge sources (ex. URL to Microsoft FAQ, and word document containing the file format)
  • User can upload files maximum of 500kb
Skill Builder Features
1. New Skill List Page containing all the skills
  • In the skill list page, users can view skills with the following information:
    1. Skill Name – display name of the skill
    2. Bot Name – name of the bot where the skill is assigned to
    3. Status
      • Published – when user clicks the publish, it saves the skill in the Blueprint
      • Draft – when user does not click publish, user has a copy of the draft skill
    4. Scope
      • Global
      • Private
      • Local
    5. Skill Author – Username of the person who created the skill
  • User can view their draft skills when they do not publish the skill. Users can revert back to the skill they previously created.
2. Skill list tab in the navigation bar and an add a skill button in the chatbot page
  • Adding skills is accomplished through the add button in the bot page and the add button in the skill list page
3. Training intents and entities integrated within KLoBot Skill Builder
  • User can now train and assign intents, utterances and assign entities through the chatbot for enhanced skill prediction
  • User can edit and delete intents
  • User can add a multitude of user utterances in the examples field
4. Discard button deletes the skill from the skill list page and assigned intent and entities
  • When user clicks discard button, it deletes all the intents and entities assigned to the skill from the LUIS
5. Users can create sub-skills within a parent skill
  • User can create a wide array of sub-skills within a parent skill by clicking add new intent button
6. User can create Prompts with different data types such as type message or choice
  • User can add a prompt through the chatbot depending on data types namely:
    1. Message – user will respond through a message
    2. Choice – user will respond through an array of choices
  • User can create a multitude of choices depending on the action namely:
    1. Data – When user clicks a choice with action type data, bot will just store data
    2. Intent Name – When user clicks a choice with action type intent name, bot will call to a subskill
  • User can set the prompt into a mandatory question meaning user is required to answer the prompt
7. SharePoint Connector within KLoBot
  • User can connect to SharePoint by providing the method type, API Route, username and password in the SharePoint site
  • User can select from the SharePoint list and test out the skill
8. NetDocuments Connector within KLoBot
  • User can connect to NetDocuments by providing the API route, Client ID and Client Secret
  • User can test the API route by providing the document name of an existing document in NetDocuments
  • Authentication link would appear if user is unauthenticated to connect to NetDocuments
9. API Route testing
  • User can test different API routes by specifying the HTTPS method (ex. GET or POST request) followed by providing the URL and the values to the arguments/parameters
New QnA Maker Key Features
  • User can edit the Knowledge Base Name
  • User can upload a maximum of 3 Knowledge sources (URL) and Files
  • User can upload files to a maximum of 20MB